This is Me

Hi. I am Jen. I am a mother of 8 great kids and married to the best husband ever. I love food and I kind of hate it too. I have been trying for the last several years to make my peace with food. My quest has been to figure out what it is I should be eating and consequently, feeding my family. I have made a lot of progress but I still have a lot of bad habits to overcome.


I have a confession to make. I am an average cook. I do not claim to know much about cooking but I have had to make food for other people for over 20 years.  We eat, therefore, I cook. Not that experience has taught me much.

Second confession which is related to the first. You are probably a better cook than me. Which begs the question, “Why am I the one with the food blog?” Well, this isn’t really a blog where I share all my cooking skills with you. This is a food blog on which I happen to post recipes because I like to share recipes. It is true that I am not going to share a recipe unless I think it is tasty. But the truth is, you might not. And that is okay-just don’t tell me because I am sensitive. Instead,  you could have mercy on me and share some tasty recipes with me, which I in turn will share with the blog reading world. E-mail me. I am serious.

Third confession is thus: I have many mouths to feed. I am in the kitchen all the time. I used to resent this fact. But now I embrace it. I figure since none of my family is  likely to give up on eating as long as they have a pulse, I should try to at least have a good attitude. So my new way of cooking is a threefold mission: 1-with thought about what it is we are putting into our bodies, 2-as a service to the ones I love , and 3-gratitude to God for his bounteous blessing of an earth full of food.