Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Healthy Family Challenge-Week One (Take Two)

I like to use Costco's Kirkland Signature Sea Salt.

So when I started this blog a few months ago, my sister Heather had the idea to do a weekly Healthy Family Challenge.

I have decided to revisit that idea and issue a challenge to all my many readers (all two of you) and I would like to know if you accept that challenge and how it goes for you.

My idea was to post this every Monday, but as you may have noticed, it is Tuesday. That is how I roll....

Anyway, look for a new challenge every Monday and if it isn't there, check back on Tuesday.

I am now plagarizing Heather:

There is probably something each one of us can do to be a little healthier in our eating habits. But making changes can be really stressful. A lot of kids, and sometimes husbands, are resistant to some of the changes moms want to make in their diets. And it can be really stressful to come up with new recipes and to find good sources for food. And let’s face it, a lot of the time the healthier foods are more expensive. So let’s think baby steps.

This is an easy one:

1. Switch to unrefined sea salt instead of iodized table salt.

Why? It is less processed and has all the natural trace minerals left in it. Plus there are no additives in it like table salt.

How hard is this? This is an easy switch. You can find sea salt at most grocery stores. It is a little more expensive but your family will not notice the difference at all in taste. I personally think sea salt tastes better!


  1. Aren't they chunkier bits? Does that effect baking? Or does it dissolve?

  2. Check! Yes, unbeknownst to my husband, I have been cooking with sea salt since we've been married! Thanks for reminding me that I actually do some things right ;)

  3. We already did this a few months ago. Next! :)

  4. Tessie,

    I use it all the time in baking and I cannot tell the difference between sea salt and ordinary table salt.

  5. No additives are great, but what about getting enough iodine? They added it for a reason (goiter). What other foods contain iodine?
