Thursday, March 11, 2010


A guest post from my truthful sister:

Sometimes when I start talking about healthy eating I get this nagging sensation that I am perhaps not truly representing myself. So in the spirit of full disclosure let me make a few confessions.

1. I am a vegetarian, but the child in my womb is apparently not. This means that some meat, mostly chicken, tuna a few times, and I hate to admit it, a couple of Whoppers have been digested (I use the term lightly) by me in the last 7- 8 months.

But I have to say that I think I am finally winning this battle over the meat issue with my baby. Last night we were out at dinner time so I got a sub with chicken and onions and marinated red peppers. Sounds yummy right?? My husband got some McDoubles. Yuck. Anyhow, we both suffered major stomach cramps last night and I swear that chicken stayed put in the pit of my stomach and did not digest one bit. It might still be there. Now the thought of meat makes me want to die! I think it is time this baby is born and if she wants meat, she’ll have to eat it herself.

2. I think refined white sugars are of the devil but I still eat them. In fact after Valentines Day when they were having all the clearance sales on Valentine’s candies I kept buying them. There is just something genetically in grained in me as my Father’s daughter that if something is on clearance I must buy it. I have no choice in the matter. I was just starting to feel real guilty about all the sugar consumption going on in my house and I had made a goal to not have it in the house at all any more when my neighbor brought over this.

I have never seen an M&Ms bag that big. Of course I didn’t NEED to eat any of them but of course the girls and I have been snacking on this bag every day since she brought it over. I mean they aren’t even peanut M&ms, which actually taste good. These don’t taste good. But I still eat them…

3. I know I should eat organic but I don’t. I mean I buy some organic but I still haven’t been able to bring myself to spend sooo much more money on organic produce than the regular stuff. I am really looking forward to the farmer’s markets that are plentiful here in Iowa during the summer and I am hoping I can find some good deals on organic produce.

4. I know I shouldn’t eat canned foods. But I still do – canned beans (they are just way easier), canned tomatoes. I can’t help myself. They are just more convenient. There is this battle within myself to eat completely natural versus convenience.

Sooo this post is really long and I am starting to feel really bad about myself. But I just wanted you to know I am not as perfect at this healthy eating thing as I might make it seem sometimes. Please still love me!!--Heather


  1. Rachel
    Posted March 12, 2010 at 5:37 pm

    I can’t believe you eat plain M&M’s. Those are gross. Peanut M&M’s are better. Peanut Butter M&M’s are better still. I’ll love you in spite of your weakness. You being human makes us all feel a little better anyway.

  2. Jessica
    Posted March 12, 2010 at 7:06 pm

    I still love you, Heather! But plain M&Ms are gross. Throw those out immediately!! :)

  3. Amy
    Posted March 13, 2010 at 10:32 pm

    I have to confess I like plain M&Ms. (LOVE Peanut) Also, I think healthy eating is about balance. For me, balance is eating really healthfully most of the time but allowing myself little treats once in a while. It also means being realistic about what choices I can make. I don’t have the time or money to eat all organic or never use canned food. But I try to make the best choices I can. Focus on what you do well. I love you and your little carnivore. :)

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